
Eat slowly, savor each morsel.

Speaking of salt and light, I ran across a couple of article's a few days ago that I found to be such exceptional reads dish's I just have to link serve them up here for your consumption.

One is from a place I frequent called "American Thinker", the fantastic special of the day was called: It's How You Play The Game.
It may well be that this recipe goes back a couple hundred years.

For a truly just dessert, I truthfully enjoyed the Perspective being served at an as yet unfamiliar, but tidy place called "Walking Together."

All in all, it was very good stuff!


Barack who?

Uhm, I think it's time to take our eyes off our own "problems" and watch this video:

Folks, America is just a tiny blip in the enormous picture that is the Kingdom of, and Gospel of, Christ. And AMEN to that.

God is SO good, and we are so spoiled, and wretched.


Frankly, we deserve it.

"My son, fear the LORD and the king; Do not associate
with those who are given to change,
For their calamity will rise suddenly,
And who knows the ruin that comes from both of them?" - Pro 24:21

Well now, it's "official".
A nation that's become practically unrecognizable from its principled, Godly beginnings gets a president fit to lead it into further God-lessness. Welcome to Liberalhood Ex Officio.

I must say this: if there is one good thing about Barack Obama being elected president of the USA, it is that a racial divide has been well crossed, perhaps even (nearly) destroyed.

Alas, if only that were enough. Nothing; -NOTHING- justifies the murder of babies, nor ungodliness in any form

Are we a nation abandoned by God? One wonders.

It is at the behest of God's very fingertip, His very Word that each one of our wicked selves is allowed another breath. It is by His sovereign grace alone He keeps this whole world and it's inhabitants from imploding into judgement.

Frankly, we DO deserve it.

..but for God's great grace:

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
-2Pe 3:9


/edit: Ok, I've calmed down from the election-results enough for more Christ-centered thoughts, so with that in mind..

This is our chance, Christian's, to be salt and light in an ever darkening world.

Firstly, Barack Obama was created in God's image; second; no matter what, we must always honor and respect the office of the presidency, to do otherwise goes against biblical teaching. (
Rom 13) Also, as Christians we ought be praying for Barack -our President's- heart, that he be converted to Christ, (now wouldn't THAT be a "change"!) -and we need to pray for his family, and also all those who will be at his side making decisions that will affect this nation for years to come..(1Pet 13-17)..and so much more to pray for, but you get the point.

Ultimately it is God who places man into postions of leadership according to His own plans and purposes, and they have not always been "Godly" men, quite contrarily.

And really, lest we forget: It is Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords who is leading this world and the nations therein. It is by His stripes we were given Life; and it is to Him I pledge my allegiance.

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