
One Life sacrificed for eternity, many lives sacrificed for our freedoms.

normaly, I aint the volunteerin type..

however, I volunteered this year with an organization called
Tribute to the Troops. This years ride/benefit concert begins tomorrow through the 10th, Sep.
Our main mission is to bring a deeper awareness to all Americans in acknowledging and honoring our fallen soldiers from the operations in Iraq and elsewhere, and also the families behind them. One of the things we do is have a motorcycle ride where we visit these families from Minnesota (and in neighboring states where we can) to thank them personally and acknowledge the loss of their loved one. Each family is contacted first, and told what we're about then asked if they would like us to visit. I volunteered after going on the ride last year, it was an incredibly moving experience for everyone..... Some of the volunteers this year are people who have been visited in the previous 2 years.

Bringing people together who wouldn't have crossed paths under any other circumstances, has been a very good thing.

There's a
photo slideshow on the website from last years ride,
a song written by Rockie Lynne (one of the founders of Trib to the Troops) plays along, just thinking of that song made my eyes well up.. check it out.

I wish I had time to expound more on this, but for now I'll just ask for a prayer as we ride off beginning Friday am, just for God's glorification over the weekend, and my own discernment

and obedience to that end, - as we know His will is done always.

Monday, Sep 11th 2006, marks the 5th anniversary of one of the most horrible acts ever commited on American soil.
..lest we forget..

Peace, Grace and understanding to all of us ~


light rail

a bit of light swept through my little corner of the blogospere.

What a nice surprise to see little 'ole me mentioned over at PyroManiacs
BlogSpotting post, Thank you Phil.
What I thought was especially neat though, was Phil's excellent summation of Todd Friel, so in response, and with hopes that somebody out there may get as much out of listening to these guys as I have I'd like to share a few links from the WOTM site to start off with. Beginning with a link to Todd Friel's salvation story, great read.

Incidently, it was one of my sons who pointed me to Todd and the WOTM radio program, he first heard them via KKMS radio out of Eagan, Minnesota.
God has used Jake (our son) in many ways in my life, more on that in a future post.

On the
Witnessing-and-Teaching page they have a neat little list of links to some choice street preaching experiences, along with a few other goodies. Like a box of chocolates, here's a few I've broken open for you, enjoy.

One of the first, and particularily gripping podcasts I heard was where
Todd goes toe to toe with evangelist-turned-atheist Dan Barker in front of an audience of college students on the UofM campus, another excellent podcast is Ray Comfort's "Hell's Best Kept Secret" - Ray's passionate message here is truly eye OPENing....
Here's a sample of their street preaching, a strengthening of the witness maximus lets say: consumate Todd
witnessing to a body builder And lastly, something from the show I heard the other day, it was just so sweet...
Of course there's a million hours of listening to be had there,
check out the archives , just reading the descriptions is a hoot.

one may ask, "who is God?":
"Thus says God the LORD, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, Who spread out the earth and its offspring, Who gives breath to the people on it And spirit to those who walk in it" ~Isa 42:5

Thanks for stopping by ~
Suz (sounds like blues)