
loose lips sink ships

stone lips speak loud

"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."
Col 4:6

..let our speech be gracious and seasoned (not doused) with salt..
Sometimes we need to check the cap of our salt shakers you know, to be sure they are screwed on tightly. heheh :)

Speaking of which, the 2008 National Desiring God Conference is just around the corner, and I can hardly wait for this time of fellowship and learning! Last year was my first conference, and it felt a little like what heaven might be like, walking amongst and fellowshipping with the breth's and sis's and glorifying our great God!

This years theme is called:

"The Power of Words and the Wonder of God"

Oh my yes.

Speaking of glorifying "our great God" check out this beautiful arrangement: