Actually I am Praising God for Senator McCain's choice pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. It seems this has raised the integrity bar (if there be one) for the liberally left quite a few notches. Finally, people with some real fortitude show up for the candidacy of highest office in our country.

There is still plenty to learn about Sarah Palin, and her time in her offices as mayor and governor, but so far from what I have gathered and especially after her speech last night (!!) there is nothing about her not to love - she's one of us. I also like the significance of her upward pointing finger -albeit un-specified :)
And I didn't exactly know much about John McCain either, but after listening to Sen. Fred Thompson's eloquent speech, that was all I needed to hear. Evidence of integrity, the likes of which any thinking person ought want in a President, was cemented for me after hearing about Sen. McCain's extraordinary military service and most especially his POW experience. But it didn't end there, he went on to serve our country within its borders, even forsaking his own presidential election campaign to see to it that our troops would continue to be roundly supported whilst our congress was trying its best to do just the opposite, all under the impression of a proclaimed "lost war".
I guess when you're doing your job in congress there's not alot of time for touting/campaining. This is a man who has the best interests of this country and his fellow citizens at heart.
I remember awhile back early in the campaign feeling really down about our choices and about the prospect of having to 'deal' with "President Obama" and the liberal guck that would rain down on America as a result, and knowing that as Christians we would be called to respect him, or somesuch, as our President. What came to mind while thinking of all this stuff was what this country needs is another "David". Little did I expect to see one come along, let alone a type of "Deborah" in the picture as well! ;)
As far as I'm concerned this election was/is first and foremost about the babies, a no brainer for me there, and it seemed un-contestedly apparent that any pro-lifer candidate was also highly likely to have the backs of our troops and the security of this country in top priority.
Truth be told I was never really "worried" about the outcome of this election because I believe in the supreme sovereignty of God over all things, all peoples and all nations. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about God's perfect will. I knowingly live my life under the protection of His great wing and under the Blood of His Son Jesus, the Great Almighty, Lord of all, King of Kings. So bring it on.
Yet, God is so good to us to give us this "sign" of hope..though our faith can be solid as rock it is easy to get a little 'down'. I think these two Great Americans are a sweet "sign and wonder" ;) No matter who becomes the next leader of our nation, everything is going to work out for the best according to His perfect will for those who love Him. I am so thankful, and grateful to God for this rest in Him.
There is a great read that popped up this am over at Pulpit Magazine called "Christians and Government" - it is the first part in a series that looks to be very good.
God bless you, and God bless America.
Grace & Peace~
(photo credit)
1 comment:
I love this post, my friend! Nodded in agreement with every line ... now off to read more.
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