rocka my world they did
I've never had a blog before and I'm not sure what, if much, I'll do with this one. I'll just have to see what time, circumstance, and the Lords perfect will have in store. (plus I have some things to learn about saying more with less, and properly directed-missives)
This is my nephew rocking his world as only a 4 year old can.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov 22: 6
I created this account just so I could comment on the Pyromaniacs page. I can't recall just how I came across Pyromaniacs, I think it was someplace through somewhere through something through the Way of the Master website, (excellent podcasts to be heard there..
I started reading the Pyromaniacs pages several weeks ago, many times with eyes agape, jaw open as the spirit of Truth literally showered over me, most everything they'd been illuminating there I sort of already knew, inately. Seeing biblically sound truths so well conveyed, and with such extraordinary finesse and common sense has been a uniquely edifiying experience. To put that thought into fewer words: I totaly jived with what was being said there.
Yes, at times they are brusque, and at first I thought maybe a few pennies short in the humble purse, but I get it.
Thank You Dan, Phil, Frank, Pecadillo for keeping up such a wonderful blog,
with much to be thankful for, and lots to learn..
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The family and I just got home from a full night of Awana (kids' church club)--it's on thursday nights that I teach the 3rd-6th grade girls, and in much love I can honestly say that by the time I drag myself, children and husband through the door...I'm exhausted!
Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for dropping by my site :) your comments were incredibly encouraging, so thank you!
Also, we have a mutual appreciation for the guys over at Pyro. They were the 2nd blog I ever read (which made it pretty rough for the blogs introduced to me afterwards!). One of my favorite things about them is that it's through their writing where one can so clearly see illustrated, the crucial importance of being doctrinally sound; in other words, our theology (whether we know what categories we fit into or not) defines our worldview; and it is our worldview that affects every other facet of our lives!
Okay, I've taken up enough space on your blog already!
Thanks so much for stopping by Suzanne..really :)
P.S. Oh, and the pic of your nephew is precious!!
P.P.S Thank you for sharing your heartache concerning your younger brother, his two children and his recent divorce. Do know that this family will be in my nightly prayers.
Oh, in passing, I also had to mention that though it's been almost a year now since I last listened to them, I was a big fan of Garage Logic (probably still am; it's just been a while!). Really. They crack me up.
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